Katie Hoeppner

Dated: February 14, 1994 through October 19, 1994


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Finally... here in Wisconsin,

                Spring is in the air... so are the kites <G>

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                             Any wishes for me???   /.~.\
                         ..                      __|  ^  |__   .
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                        \        @@              /
        I've been enjoying a conversation as it sways WAY off topic ...
someone told about sending mail to get a special cancellation mark in Toad
Suck, AR.  This lead to an interesting discussion of the origin of this town's
name.  Soon "Toad Licking" came into the conversation... it was something in
the news and the subject of an LA LAW episode several years ago... You can
imagine the "fun" we've had with this discussion, and as it winds down, I
created this:
             |                                                 |
             |    LEAVE US  T O A D S  ALONE!  /~(-)(-)        |
             |                         _______| ----\\\        |
             |                       /'             \\~        |
             |                ___  /'      | |    /\ \ \       |
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                    Happy Mother's Day to everyone <G>!

                        Happy Mother's Day everyone <G>!
  ::                        (()()))(()                                   ::
  ::  Pick up a copy      ((()) _  _ ((    |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|:
  ::  of your             ())--(.)(.)-))  /  H A P P Y   M O T H E R ' S |:
  ::  favorite   XXXXXXX (((    ~ )~  :)  \    D A Y   E V E R Y O N E ! |:
  ::  GEnie     ========= (((   \__/  |)   |_____________________________|:
  ::  news-     XXXXXXXXXX__( \__.._/)(        ||                        ::
  ::  letter!!!  ========/          |          ||                        ::
  ::              XXXXXX|   \    :  |\_______O///                        ::
  ::               ======\    \_____|______  ///                         ::
  ::                XXXXXX\                |~~~~\                        ::
  ::              =========\______________:|====\\                       ::
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  ::               XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  \   \ /\/~~/    /\ /\  prrr!
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      T A K E   T I M E  A N D  S M E L L  T H E   R O S E S ! ! !

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...and a rebus: does it remind you of anyone?

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...and finally:
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To Joachim Hoffmueller

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