Top 10 Surprises in Episode One of Star Wars

Top 10 Surprises in Episode One of Star Wars

By David Hitt

10. Luke and Leia actually a result of Mrs. Skywalker's secret torrid affair with Uncle Owen.

9. Young Senator Palpatine first elected on a lower taxes platform.

8. Special repeat appearance by Jefferson Starship.

7. Darth Vader really did kill Anakin Skywalker; just lied to Luke to gain his sympathy.

6. Anakin's wife to be played by Genevieve Bujold.

5. Aunt Beru actually a hero of the Clone Wars.

4. Mon Mothma used to bulls-eye wamprats in her T-7

3. One word: Pakleds

2. Boba Fett actually Luke's third cousin.

1. Before being horribly scarred, Anakin Skywalker really looked like James Earl Jones, too.

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