Top 10 Things Luke Did Between ESB and ROTJ

Top 10 Things Luke Did Between ESB and ROTJ

From dave Phillips:

10. Learned to shoot baskets again.

9. Hit on Leia relentlessly, only to feel the need for continuous bathing by the halfway point of ROTJ.

8. Played "Ding, Dong, Ditch" with doorways on board the Medical Frigate to practice his Force skills until they kicked him out.

7. Spent days, and days, and days trying to figure out why his mom married a walking toaster.

6. One word: Whined

5. Played "Itsy Bitsy Spider" trying to get his fingers to work again

4. Waited around corners for women in dresses to walk past, then, reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe, used the Force to blow up their skirts.

3. Used R2D2 as a movie projector to watch the copy of "Debbie Does Dantooine" that Lando slipped him.

2. Spent a lot of time in the gymnastics facilities working on those AMAZING backflips, etc...

#1 thing Luke did between ESB and ROTJ...
...Learned how to [censored] left handed!!!

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