The Diver's Club: Staff and Regulars


Yes, that's a little bitty picture of Adrian Paul. Maddok, though, has the same ****-eating grin, so I figured it couldn't hurt.

Maddok is a renegade Tharkoldu who left Jezrael's employ around the same time as his cousin Ramachandra. The two teamed up -- as they had been doing most of their lives -- and decided that hiring out as Stormer mercenaries sounded like a halfway decent way to kill time.
They aren't actually Diver's Club staff, but it's the best place to contact them if you need something demonlished, stolen, hacked, or otherwise illicitly interferred-with.
Maddok, while a fully competant computer engineer, is less interested in the academic side of things -- like Rama -- than in breaking heads and destroying private property. He's also a tremendous flirt: if it's female and within fifty meters, be sure that he'll be hitting on it. However, he's just as laid-back (relatively speaking, of course) as his cousin, and as such is not prone to take offence at comments like "Buzz off, creep." Considering the fact that he can rip the door of a safe off its hinges, this is probably a good thing ...

I'll post his stats eventually, but you'd be safe if you took the Renegade template, maxed all the stats -- especially Charisma -- and gave him every computer science, fire combat, and unarmed combat skill you can fit on the sheet.

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