The Diver's Club: Staff and Regulars

Lord Flasheart, RAF

Images as soon as I actually bother to pick up a pencil ...

Some of you anglophiles may notice that Flash is based on a character of the same name from Black Adder. If you don't know what that is, don't sweat it; no one else seems to, either.
Anyway, Flash is a former Colonel in the British RAF. He was thrown out for a number of venal indiscretions. With the landing [of Aysle], so few pilots could still fly in the altered physics of the island that the RAF had become an infinitesimal body.
Flash is technically a Realm Runner, but he is something unique even for this motley crew. His constant companion is a Cygoyle (see the Cyberpapacy sourcebook) named "Rickets," who loves to make nasty comments from the shelter of Flash's shoulder.

-- courtesy of Phil Binkowski, creator

Not much more to tell ... if you've seen Rowan Atkinson's _Black Adder_ Britcom, you'll know exactly what we're talking about. If you haven't, you should.

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