Stewart Mott Davis
Center for
Community Education

PHIL CLARK, Director

The Stewart Mott Davis Center for Community Education was founded on July 1, 1972, and has acted for nearly 22 years as a public service arm of the University of Florida and College of Education. Supported by the University, Florida Department of Education, state and federal grants, and funds from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Center is a recognized unit of the Florida Board of Regents, the UF College of Education, and is affiliated with the College's Department of Educational Leadership.

Community Education is a concept of people involvement, identification of community problems and needs, and the development of local programs and service designed to address each of these. The Center assists communities in developing educational programs and services to meet the changing needs of citizens by providing leadership, training, research, technical assistance, and development of instructional and supportive materials. Lifelong educational opportunities, citizen involvement in education, maximum use of community resources and cooperation and coordination are among the Center's four major principles.

The Center has for over two decades provided assistance in Community Education development to thousands of recipients on the local, state, national and international levels, with Florida as its primary focus.

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