The PDL Behind the Callsign

Susan's Sassy Sasha

Picture of Sasha in Gator gear

More than fifteen years ago I made the best decision of my life. I joined my life with that of a small, determined ball of fur. From tiny beginnings grew a love and joy that will never be equaled.

Sasha taught me so many things. She taught me to laugh and enjoy the day. I learned to not worry about what my house looks like when there are woods to explore. I learned both the humility of having this magnificent being worship me and the humility of living with a creature who had her own wicked sense of humor.

We were inseparable. Together we hiked and swam and flew. Anyone who knows me can tell you of the invitations and trips that I have turned down because Sasha could not go. On the flip side, there were countless squirrels and birds that she ignored because I asked her to stay or to heel.

Sasha was my everything dog. I learned to groom a show poodle on her. I learned the art of conformation. How proudly I cried when she won her first Best in Group. For me Sasha learned all three levels of obedience. We learned to track. Together we learned how to run an agility course. We visited nursing homes, the hospital, libraries, and more. We played with scent obstacles. Sasha learned to herd rabbits (never an easy thing). She learned to chase a lure while I cheered. I learned to cut down a human adult sized outfit and fit it to a dog. We created a repertoire of tricks. Sasha learned to pull a cart even when she was wearing clothes and a lighted nose. Sasha did everything I ever asked her to do.

There is so much more that I could write in her praise. So many memories of good times, but now I can not see for the tears. Now she has gone ahead. I know that she is watching me. She never let me out of her sight. Some day we will be together again. Until that time comes, roll in the sunlit grass; nap on the softest cushions, and race the eagles… We miss you Sasha… RIP

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Susan Ann Tipton, Gainesville, Florida, USA / furrykids @t