
Comments/Suggestions Form


Thanks for your interest!

This is a form. Fill in the information in the text fields below, then hit "enter" or click on the "send" button at the end of this form.

AGREEMENT: In exchange for providing a pointer to your web site from my pages, *please* return the favor by adding a pointer to my site from your end as well. Thanks. -Trent

    Info here will be sent to:  Trent A. Sherman (afn21228@afn.org)
Your Full Name:

Your E-mail Address:

Your Phone Number:

URL (that's the WWW address) of any homepage(s) that you have:
Ex: http://www.someplace.com/~somename/somedir/somefile.html

The TITLE of your homepage:

Where did you hear about or see my homepage advertised from?
[Another web page (please give name of page)? From a magazine? TV? (I wish!) A web search-engine (please give name of engine)? etc.]

Which section would you like to add your URL to? (choose one)

Which of my web pages were you viewing? [Choose all that apply]


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Generic Form for use with Form2HTML.
Created: March 21, 1996.
Last updated: Feb. 25, 1999.

Alt. E-mail to: Trent A. Sherman (afn21228@afn.org)
© Copyright 1997-1999 by Trent A. Sherman. All Rights Reserved.