NOTE: This and all related documents have been formatted with and for NETSCAPE.

Information & Softwares Available At This Site:

Use Your Computer To Track
    Down Financial Aid. You
     Can Locate Hard-To-Find
       Scholarships, Get Loan  
          Information and Even
           Take A Virtual Campus
You'll Find It All Here!

Alachua's FREENET Directory (AFN)

FreeNet (AFN) User Homepage Search

Here you'll find all accessable homepages, made by each user here at the Alachua FreeNet (AFN). A few have been bold enough to type in their HTML identities, mix in some gifs, and to allow downloading of video clips.

People have been researching the availability of such Scholarships throughout the U.S.A. Many people ask us for research about what's available, and so, we bring unto you the Rice University Report. They have a lengthy list of organizations that offer funding in one form or another. Newsletters and bulletins about grants and funding are also available. Choose "Information by Subject Area", then "Grants," then "Scholarships and Funding" to find this information..


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Last updated March 19, 1999 at 1:58AM.

[IMAGE] About the page author

Trent A. Sherman(afn21228@afn.org)