We are peaceful warriors, generally, not given to sudden flashes of wild rage or destructive fits. The millinia of waiting in the shadows as the "March of Civilization" weaves its scorched path across the planet, has taught us a deep genetic patience, our souls close to nature, our hands dark with loam. But now a new dawn blinds the weary eyes, awakening us, sending shots of rarified plasma through our quiet veins, eyelids widen as we wake up in the glare of the 20th century, staring transfixed in the polychromatic blink of neon and the rush of noisy, metallic-bright technoglitz. And as we stand up, the giddy rush of warmth blasts into our brains, the lightbulb sputters ON, and behold, we find that we are the 21st century, we are the future, we hold aloft the keys to the New Kingdom, and the New Queendom as well. But before the celebration crashes in on the utopian decline of Christian intolerance, bigotry, and death-worship, before the old king dies convulsing on the throne, bloated and sagging, We Shall Vent our Spleens upon the arrogant bastards who would set up the stake again, inviting us once more to the feast of fire! To them we say: I DONT THINK SO!! Let the Addams Family credo be ours: We gladly feast on those who would oppress us. And now, for a diatribe of much deserved angst..... Yeah, I'm pissed. Pissed like a bladder full of dark amber horse juice dropped from the 13th floor into a vat of amonia-angry surgical urine swimming with disease. I'm taught with anger and quivering with rage and all shook up, because, my children, America from the ground floor of Pagan Central AirRaid Shelter & Flophouse reeks of suckiosity. It sucks because the Fundie Kristians (not including actual followers of that Prince of Peace guy) have Uncle Sammy under a spell and the phabulous phreaks like me by the hairy balls or smooth white ovaries. I mean we cant even say fuck, much less do it. I mean the guns outnumber the hugs. I mean the Rights and Flowers and warm summer puppy days with things that go fuzzy wuzzy are outnumbered by the jumping jackel-humping jackasses who, with one hand in out back pocket and the other holding onto the fly zipper, want to ram us all us up our sweet pink rectums with their brand of Goodliness & Righteousness. We are the tiny locusts that decend upon the ripened fields of gluttony, arrogance, and morbidity to consume the fatted calf and lay bare the hypocracy and ignorance, the foolishness and hostility, the vast open sore of the Fundie plague that seeks to trap America in its web of deceit, false promises, and phantom threats. They offer us a putrid banquet of fear, bigotry, paranoia, and subservience, and if we decline their poison and they cannot jolt us with terror, then they will abandon the field of honest discourse and flee like cowards to the realm of the politicos and police, trying to force us, through the rape of democracy and law, to bow down to them and suck their virtue, a gun pointed at our hearts. But even in that they will fail, for their offerings are unacceptable and shall be refused. Their platitudes and appeals to an imagainary golden past of moral hedgemony are ghosts without substance. Their rantings and ravings from pulpit and senatorial office and tee-vee screen are the sounds of desperate losers who see the decline of their ill-begotten power and flail all the more desperately. Their carrot and stick are both rotted, the stench of moral decay is around their doings, and their words reek of the dead, dead past, dead future, dead corpses of hate that fade with the dawn and the flush of color that we bring. We are the light and the dark, the sweet scent of day and the noble peace of night. We stand with our brothers and sisters in camps spread across the meadow, and banners whip in the cool breeze: the pink triangle, the lavender pyramid, the green, black, and red, the circle with cross pointing down from it, the symbols of a hundred hounded religions before us. We stand and lift our flag, the beautiful pentacle, and though few eyes see it now, it will grow and flourish and spread its fragrance and love and loveliness over all the land ere its time also passes.