RADICAL PAGANISM PART 2 A Pagan is a practitioner of a very ancient and gentle Earth religion that is flourishing in 20th century America. Most Pagans honor the Goddess and God, celebrate the 8 Sabbats (nature holidays) of the Year, and strive to live in accordance with the Charge of the Goddess and the Wiccan Rede. We are of the Old Religion, and also of the 21st century. Radical Pagans are a small minority within Paganism. The fundamental characteristic of a Radical Pagan is a Pagan who goes to the roots of civilization and its morality, taboos, and assuptions. It is because we are Pagan that we can see the roots of the dominant, often unquestioned, moral hedgemony of our time. We are radically unique in our outlook, worldview, and moral beliefs. Our prohibitions are against violence, cruelty, war, and misery, but our loves are legion: we are proud hedonists, honoring pleasure, enjoyment, and adventure, no matter what form they take as long as all desire it; we are proud criminals, just as the original Christians who refused to bow down to the Caesar were criminals; we are the walkers of the dark and light, the edge and the center, the sedate and bizarre. And we have no fear of the outer limits, of the new, the strange, the different, or of the rich diversity of humankind and nature. We know and accept that we are strangers in a strange land, that we live in a basically Christian country, that our practices and beliefs go against that Christianization, and it isn't that we dont care, but that this is who we are: xenophiles, homophiles, zoophiles, terraphiles, lovers of all those peaceful and pleasurable acts of which humans are capable.