Annotated Table of Indeterminate Events

A World of Greyhawk® Timeline

Version 2.0
Last Update: July 28, 1998

G3Drow banished to the underworld.
Ages past, when the olvenfolk were but new to the face of the Oerth, their number was torn by discord, and those of better disposition drove from them those of the olves who were selfish and cruel. However, constant warfare between the two divisions of olvenkind continued, with the goodly ones ever victorious, until those of dark nature were forced to withdraw to the underworld.
DMG1Queen Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightingale created.
The origin of this artifact is unknown, although Mordenkainen is reported to have asserted that the Nightingale was made by Xagy and the goddess of volcanic activity, Joramy, some 17 centuries ago. Queen Ehlissa bent all to her will with the enchantments of the device, and throughout her reign of several centuries the Nightingale never escaped confinement. [pg. 160]
Editor's Note: Considering the time reference is attributed to Mordenkainen, an appropriate date would be between c. -1189 to c. -1108, based on his age of 76 at 582 CY, FFF, pg. 21
FolioPrelacy of Almor declares independence.
Originally a clerical fief of Aerdy, Almor grew in power and independence as the Great Kingdom became weak and decadent. The Prelacy is strongly supported by Nyrond as a buffer between that realm and that of the Overking, and pays a stipend to help support the standing army of Almor.
FolioMargrave Rollo granted palatinate status.
The Margrave Rollo established the independence of Bissel by bravery in service of the King of Furyondy, the Bisselites slaughtering a horde of Jebli which lay in ambush for King Hugh III who was guarded by but a small train. The King granted the brave Rollo palatinate status for the deeds performed, and Bissel has enjoyed self-rule since.
FolioBlackmoor sacked.
The original capital, Blackmoor, and its castle were sacked and ruined some years ago, but extensive labyrinths are supposed to exist under these ruins. There is also purported to be a strange "City of the Gods" somewhere within the Archbarony.
FolioBattle of Shamblefield (or Caldni Vir's Charge).
The newly won fief [Bone March] was named for the remains of this struggle.
FolioEkbir founded.
Founded by the survivors of the Invoked Devastation, the small port quickly grew into a place for nomad's goods. The original village grew into a walled town, and town grew into a thriving city, the strongest city of the Bakluni in the Flanaess.
FolioHouse of Stinvri gains control of Ferrond.
The Viceroyalty had become hereditary some years previously.
FolioGran March established.
Keoland established the territory of the Gran March during its early stages, basing it upon a military-religious order of knights. These zealous fighters quickly subdued the warring inhabitants, established order within the area, and conscripted all fit males into worker and infantry battles.
FolioGreyhawk established.
Greyhawk was established as a trading post on the Selintan River during the period of early migrations. As it flourished, a local warlord built a small keep on the hills above the village called Greyhawk which had sprung up around the trading center, extracting taxes from the trade and occasionally raiding caravans.
FolioKingdom of Keoland established.
Keoland was the first major kingdom to be established in the Flanaess., the Oeridians and Suloise tribes mingling and joining to build a tolerant and prosperous realm which nominally included many and varied demi-human groups as well. After several centuries of benign leadership . . . . [pg. 12]
FolioGreat Council of Rel Mord.
King Dustan I of Nyrond, called Crafty, met with ambassadors of Almor, the Iron League, the Pale, and Urnst. All troops were withdrawn from the Pal and Urnst thereafter, the Nyrondese allowing both areas self-determination. Almor was treated somewhat similarly, and aid was granted to the Iron League.
FolioBattle of a Thousand Banners.
Irongate was besieged by Aerdian forces for several months, but the siege was lifted when a ruse panicked the northeners, and great numbers of them were subsequently slain by a combined host of men and gray elves of the League.
FolioNyrondal subjugates the Pale.
After warfare with their southern neighbor and a period of subjugation, the Pale became independent once again, and since then has enjoyed a history of reasonable rule and relative peace.
FolioPomarj nobles oust Ulek garrisons.
This rich peninsula was originally a collection of petty states under the protection of the Prince of Ulek. Not conten with this status, the nobles of thies area foreswore their oaths and drove out the garrisons of the sovereign's castles, taking them for their own. For several decades [prior to the Hateful Wars] the Pomarj prospered under this new freedom.
FolioBattle of the Opicm River.
The might of the Rovers of the Barrens gathered to war upon a combined host from the land of Iuz and the newly formed Horned Society. The wardog soldiers and light cavalry of the Rovers were decimated and scattered, and many of their chieftains were slain. Perhaps three or four clans of bu a few tribes each are all that now remain of the force which once sent the tumans of the Wolf Nomads flying back across the Dulsi without their gray-tailed banners.
FolioBaron Asperd wins the Sea Barons.
The Overking eventually appointed certain nobles to baronial island fiefs, four in all [Asperd Isle, Oakenisle, Fairisle, and Leastisle -- Ivid the Undying], instructing them to build squadrons of ships and compete, for whichever of their number excelled in warfare at sea would be appointed over all as supreme baron and admiral as well. Baron Asperdi won the post, and to this day the High Admiral of the Great Kingdom is the hereditary Baron of this place.
FolioBattle of Jetsom Island.
When Keoland turned back from imperial expansion, her navy began to rebuild in order to check the threat of the Sea Princes. their numbers and strength had become so great, however, that the Keoish fleet, even with the aid of a squadron of Ulek warships, could at best deliver a sharp check to them.
FolioSnow Barbarians expand southward.
Several decades ago they captured the west coast below Glot and have managed to hold it since.
FolioDuchy of Tenh formed.
Tenh has always been under the rule of the Flannae, and most of its peoples are of that racial stock. About the time the Aerdi began to expand, the Tenh created their own state from the diverse groups within the boundaries of ther land, and their greatest leader was proclaimed Duke.
FolioUll claimed by nomads.
A strong tribal clan of the Paynim nomads found the rich area between the Barrrier peaks and the Ulsprue Mountains provided them with ample grazing and a perfect territory to 'settle' in. The Uli claimed this area of land for themselves and have held it against all comers.
FolioVale of the Mage posted.
Long ago a mighty wizard secluded himself in the lush valley at the headwaters of the Javan River amidst the Barrier Peaks. His servants posted the approaches to the area, warning all alike that the entrance to the domain thus established was forbidden except by express invitation from its laird. What has transpired since the valley was claimed many decades ago is simply a matter of conjecture, for no one goes there.
FolioYeomanry rebels against Keoland.
When the kingdom [Keoland] began its wars of conquest, the freemen of the territory revolted and closed their frontier to Keoish rule forever. [Short or Small War?]
FolioSecret expedition to Forgotten City.
Rumors speak of a secret expedition sponsored by the Sea Princes to find and bring back the loot left in the Forgotten City. If such an expedition ever was organized and left upon the journey, no news of its return has ever been had. [pg. 26]
FolioYeomanry explores Hellfurnaces.
Reliable reports tell of at least one party returned from such a trek to the far side of the Hellfurnaces, decimated by half, but bearing strange art objects and jewelry back from their explorations in the fringes of the Sea of Dust. [pg. 26]
FolioSuss resists taming.
The folk of the Wild Coast at one time made concerted efforts to clear the Suss, and managed to drive its verge back several leagues. Due to the disappearance of timbering parties and the threat of marauding humanoids, such operations are no longer conducted. [pg. 26]
FolioFellreev lost.
Once hunted extensively by the Rovers of the Barrens, the whole of the Fellreev is now under control by the Bandit Kingdoms or the Horned Society. [pg. 26]
FolioVevse besieged.
Since the resurgence of Iuz, the northern quarter of the Vesve is filled with hateful settlements of evil humanoids, and these tribes and bands press everywhere upon the human and demi-human folk elsewhere in the wood. [pg. 27]
C2Castle Inverness built.
Know you that in the elder days before the Invoked Devastation and the Rain of Colorless Fire, when the ancient peaks of the Abbor-Alz still thrust skyward sharp and majestic and the Flan tribesmen were but newcomers to the land, there existed between the Bright Desert and the mouth of the river Selintan a great fortress called Inverness. Know you also that here was said to dwell the great wizard Galap-Dreidel at the height of his power and glory, and that he did lift the Castle Inverness from the very foundation of rock upon which it rested.
C2Castle Inverness sacked.
Despite his great power there came a time that Galap-Dreidel did leave on a journey northwest, over the river Selintan, and did not return. At this time there came a great multitude of superstitious peoples from surrounding lands who laid siege to the castle and threw down the great tower.
WoGLost Passage of the Suloise discovered by dwur;
When the Rain of Colorless Fire ended the Age of Glory and brought down the Empire, the tribes decided to seek their fate to the east, in the lands of the Flan. To expedite this migration, Slerotin, the Last Mage of Power, caused a great tunnel to be magically made through the northeast mountains. One by one the tribes passed out of the Empire and into the East. When none were left in the Seas of Dust, the Last Mage sealed the tunnel at both ends with a spell that would last a thousand years. . . . ancient Suloise Folklore. [Gloss, pg. 27]
WoGHeironeous born.
At his birth, Heironeous had his skin imbued with a secret solution, which protects him from many weapons, magical and non-magical alike.
WoGOlidammara trapped by Zagig.
When Olidammara was once trapped by Zagyg, the Mad Archmage forced him into a carapaced animal shape as punishment for attempting to steal Zagyg's trove. Even though Olidammara escaped this fate, he retains the ability to create a horny shell on his back.
Editor's Note: There are two possibilities concerning this imprisonment of Olidammara. First, this refers to when Zagig imprisoned the nine demi-gods below Castle Greyhawk in 505 CY. Second, a totally separate incident.
Of course I queried Gary about this, but I asked a compound question giving him a choice. His response, "Yuppers!" Therefore, you decide.
T1-4Fragarach, "the Answerer," arrives on Oerth.
This hefty steel broadsword was originally fashioned for a demigod of elsewhen. When Fragarach first came to this world, it received immediate attention and quick renown; so much so, in fact, that six other swords like it were forged and enchanted. These weapons are named Rebutter, Scather, Replier, Retorter, Squelcher, and Back-Talker, in honor of Fragarach
CoGCairns first discovered in Abbor-Alz.
This barren string of hills [The Cairn Hills] is the northern prominence of the massif known as the Abbor-Alz. Its name refers to the ancient discovery of mysterious burial sites here, containing relics from an unknown civilization, though their acquisition was a matter of no little risk. Though Greyhawk was no more than a wild trading town at that time, this was the beginning of its role as a starting and ending place for would-be adventurers and treasure seekers.
WG8Rookroost founded.
The city began as a walled town -- little more than a fort -- situated atop a low hill, and for the first portion of its history it grew by repeatedly building new walls to encompass its burgeoning size. Soon, however, growth became so rapid that the builders had to give up the losing battle. Now almost half of the city's area lies outside the outermost set of walls, clustered around the two main gates. [pg. 3]
WG8Jurnre becomes the capital of the County of Ulek.
Jurnre is absorbed by peaceful alliance into the fledgling Keoish kingdom. [pg. 25]
WG8Sea Princes attack Jurnre.
Some unsuccessful attacks by the Sea Princes sailing up the Kewl at the nadir of Keoish seapower have had little lasting effect beyond the construction of watchtowers along the river and higher city walls. [pg.25]
WG8Keoland recognizes Ulek independence.
When Keoish adventures abroad provoked Jurnre to expel the king's garrisons, this was accomplished without violence, and ever since the Keoish crown's recognition of Ulek independence (a century after the fact) relations have been cordial. [pg.25]
WG8Wintershiven destroyed.
The original capital of the Pale was called Wintershiven, but it was located a good twenty leagues south of the city that now bears that name. When the troops of Nyrond moved in and subjugated the Pale, the entire capital was destroyed in a tragic fire. [pg. 47]
WG8"The Emancipation," Treaty of Rel Mord.
After the Treaty of Rel Mord, the Nyrondese troops withdrew and left the Pale to its independence. The date is still celebrated as a national festival, "The Emancipation." A new captital was built and was graced with the name of the old. [pg. 47]
WG8Schism within the Pale.
Some seventy years after the Emancipation, a splinter group of clerics rebelled against the central rule of Wintershiven. Their claim was that a person's relationship with Pholtus was a personal thing, and shouldn't be dictated through political expediency. This apostasy was quickly put down by an army division led by three of the Council. [pg. 47]
WG8Founding of the Church Militant.
The result [of the schism] was the founding of the Church Militant, a paramilitary body of warrior-priests. While the Church Militant and the Council (and thuse the ecclesiastical hierarchy) are both under the authority of the Theocrat, they should theoretically work shoulder to shoulder with no friction. There is, however, often tension and sometimes out-and-out rivalry between the two sides of government. [pg. 47]
WG8Ivid replaces Xaene.
Ivid recently replaced his court wizard Xaene with a man named Karoolck. Xaene has vowed vengeance for his displacement, but nothing has been heard of him for over a year now. Ivid's dependence upon Karoolck grows more pronounced as he himself weakens, and it is suspected in some circles that the archmage has been guiding the Great Kingdom's internal machinery for the last six months. [pg. 69]
WGR1Tower of War breached by underworld.
About 50 years ago the denizens of the underworld began construction from deep within Oerth of a giant spiral stairway leading up into this tower as part of a great scheme to overthrow the City of Greyhawk.
IvidGalren, Portillan's son, becomes Overking.
While some overkings had been less than masters of warfare or diplomacy, the House of Rax produced a succession of inept rulers. Galren was a halfwit.
IvidSonnend becomes Overking.
Galren's son and heir, Sonnend, was a drunkard who left all affairs of state to his advisers.
IvidSedition Proclamation.
Following the secession of Almor, Ivid I also had drawn up the infamous Sedition Proclamations which tied the provinces of the land more closely to the crown through a complex set of laws involving liegemen oaths, taxes and tithes to be paid to the crown, regulation of tolls on rivers and major roads, reciprocal obligations regarding calls upon armies, appointment of the now notorious judges of the sessions, and the like.
IvidAssassinations in Oakenheart.
The Scarlet Brotherhood is feared here, since the assassination of two of the town's finest young sea captains six months ago is widely believed to have been due to their agents.
IvidPirates of Leastisle repulsed at Port Elder.
Port Elder's city walls are being strengthened, given the threats to the south. From somewhere no one is sure quite where Pamdarn has managed to import a half dozen stone giants who are busy at work. Since the repulsing of the pirate raids on the city some years ago, people feel more secure behind strengthened city walls and don't much care who builds them so long as they get built.

Alternate Oerths / Keith Horsfield / / updated 28 Jul 98