Greyhawk Adventures
Isle of the Ape
By various methods, an individual sheet of parchment is delivered unto six individuals across the Flanaess. Sealed with wax, the impression thereon appears to be from a sigil ring of Rao. Its contents are short, cryptic and terse.

"Your presence is requested on the first day of Readying in five hundred and eighty-five, C.D. IV, at the Myst Dragon Inn, the Village of Magepoint on the southern shores of the Nyr Dyv. Accomodations have been arranged in advance to include accompaniment by one manservant. Your stay will be brief.

Sigil of a circle enclosing a lazy eight
Act I: Magepoint
Scene I: Myst Dragon Inn
Scene II: The Promontory

Alternate Oerths / Keith Horsfield / / updated 25 Aug 98
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