AD&D Ring : The Fantasy Webring

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AD&D Ring Members Section

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This page is for AD&D Ring Members and newcomers, to explain the features of the ring.

Please contact with any comments, suggestions, technical support and queries.

Excepts from The Webring Ringmaster FAQ, by Paul Campbell.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the AD&D Ring and how does it work?

1.1 What is the AD&D Ring?
1.2. What is a Ringmaster?
1.3. What is a Site ID?

2. How do people join the ring?

2.1. How do people submit their sites for consideration?
2.2. Who decides what sites get into the ring?

3. Site Stuff

3.1. What makes a good Site?
3.2. What are the rules for my site?

3.2.1. What solutions are suggested for these rules?

3.3. I've lost/messed up my banner. Can I get another copy?
3.4. How do I edit my site's information?

Useful URLs

Ring index

These pages were originally designed by James Furness. These pages are maintained by Kevin Yochum.
