How does this work?: What happens is you submit a banner and then you add an html code to your page. This will cause a banner rotation and allow other people visiting other Sarah websites to see and visit your page by clicking your banner.

So is this a Webring?: No. It's a full out banner exchange, like the link exchange and other banner swap programs.

Do I have to have a Sarah page to be apart of this?: Yes. The point of this ring is to bring people to your site that have an interest in the same thing which will be much more succesful than a regular banner program that has all kinds of sites, and the chances of them going to your site are small.

Can I change the html code I was given?: No. Most likley it will cause it not to work. And it also might effect the HTML on your page.

Can I submit a banner that is not 400 X 60?: No. It will not allow me to put in a banner that does not conform to those size regulations. I've tried.

Who gets their banner shown the most?: No one. Everyone recieves the same number of showings as soon as they are added. Of course other sites will have a backlog, from being apart of the ring longer, but once added everyone's banner is shown the same number of times. (Note: This is not like other exchages where the number of banners clicked determines how many times your banner is shown. It depends on the numbers I put in and everyone is entered at 1,000,000.)

Why do I see advertising banners other than Sarah?: The company that provides the capability to host a banner exchage uses them to deter the cost. I have nothing to do with it and make no money from it.

Can I put the banner anywhere?: I will not consider a banner on a page if it is shoved back in the corner of the site on the links page or something. The banner must appear on the main page or an entrance page. Other sites place the banner there, it's only fair that you should too. Failure to do so will involve removal from the ring until the html banner code is where it belongs.

How can I change my banner?: You can change your banner that is linked through the exchange at any time and the change will show up when you see it on another person's page. The exception to that being if you have a .jpg banner and the new one is a .gif banner. In that case, email me with the new banner URL and I will change it.

How long can I wait to put the banner code on my page?: I will give you 3 days. If after 3 days it is still not up, I will remove you from the exchange pending addition of the code.

Can I be removed for having a site with "illigal" files?: Having "illigal" files, such as MP3s will not have you removed from the exchange. It is your site all I care about is that the content is Sarah based.

Can I just give you the link to my main page that has the link to my Sarah page on it?: No. Once again, the point is to advertise Sarah sites. If you send me an URL that is like that I will merely change it to the one to the actual Sarah page. Likewise, you should put the banner code on your Sarah page, not your personal page.