

welcome to my homepage

I was born 38 years ago in Bogota, Colombia. I studied the elementary and high school in Colegio Santo Angel de la Guarda. I'm graduated in Economics at Universidad La gran Colombia, Bogota. I have made courses in the new laboral legislation of my country.

I'm the oldest in a numerous family. We are four sisters and four brothers.

Early in my working life I left aside Economics and I became fashion Designer. During eight years I swing in fashion like fish at sea. Buying was an importan part of my work.

Five year ago I married Gonzalo Alarcon , who is civil engineer and had worked in construction of dams an so on. Then I was working with him, in his company and I changed the clothes by the brikles. So I learned some about building.

The last months we studied English in the E.L.I. an institute of University of Florida, U.S. We had the opportunity of know Gran Canyon, San Francisco, Niagara Falls and Washington D.C.