
He would've reached up to the stars and given her any one of them. Neither the sun or moon would be enough and even the stars, in their divine radiance, wouldn't do. So he found himself wishing with all his soul that she could see into his heart, and his gift of true love...

A swirling mass of butterfly emotions. Stomach feels light, I don't quite know what to say to her, but I know there is no one else I'd rather be spending my time with. Perfection, such a powerfullly impossible word, but even through human flaws it seems ever-so-possible. When I'm around her.
somedays I look up at the sky and imagine my hand in hers, together in both heart and mind

A long time ago, I had a dream. I had a dream that I was with my one true love. Like most dreams of that nature, I couldn't make out that person too clearly then. Why do I see you when I look back into that dream?