he was 10 when he first saw it, and for some reason it kept coming to Jimmie every year up until he was 14. then it disappeared, never to return again. now 47, and unable to rest at night. Jimmie is always awake, always sitting on top of that hill looking up at the sky. some say he's gone crazy, that the lights in the sky were a result of an overactive imagination, brought on by Jimmie's fascination wtih movies and video games. he believes, however, that he'd found what he was always looking for in the sky those five nights years and years ago. he didn't belong, he'd never really gotten the hang of being among other people. so now he has his camera, and a bag that he'd packed at the begnning of the month (repacked each month to assure the freshness of its contents). he waits, for his place in this universe. she was 17, ripe in the world and not too sure what she wanted out of life. one thing she was sure of, however, was that she had truly and deeply fallen in love. her place in the universe was with him. Cynthia would often look up at the sky and pray that he was staring up at the very same stars, her thoughts were always focused on her love. when she turned 20 she gave him herself, she decided the time was right and she would never love another man. at age 22 she was intruduced to the meaning of pain as he walked out the door, leaving behind a heart, body and soul that had been his. she too is now in her late forties, 48 to be exact, and still her dreams return to her youth. where is he? what is he doing now? the questions linger in her heart and mind. still, she waits for the pain to subside, and the time she finds her place in the universe.

Is this devotion?






