President’s Message
October, 2000
Nanette Hanauer, RN, BS, CNOR


In my first message, as president, I tried to answer your questions that were raised on the chapter survey. I gave you a brief response, too brief to do the responses justice. With this in mind, each month I will elaborate on each topic.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, Communication is defined as" The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, or writing". It also means, " A system for sending and receiving messages, such as mail, telephone, or television". And now we can add Electronic Mail and Faxes to the definition. But, you're probably thinking, so what has this to do with our chapter? Everything, as our chapter uses several ways to communication to its members.

The chapter newsletter has been the primary source of communication. It is usually printed monthly and mailed to all chapter members, and sometimes-extra copies are given to non-members. To publish a newsletter is labor intensive and very time consuming and the editor does her best to get one out on time. Unfortunately life has a way of stalling the process, and for this she is sorry. However, the newsletter is only one form of communication.

The chapter Web Site is the second means of communication. Chapter officers', meeting minutes, updates, and just about everything in the newsletter is also on the Web Site. I would like to see the Web Site become the PRIMARY communication tool for our chapter. You can access the site directly at check it out. Terry Glover does an excellent job of keeping the site up to date. Another thing that Terry has done is set up a meeting notification via e-mail. Any member that wants to receive notification please sends her your e-mail address at

With Faxes, phones, "snail mail", person-to-person, our chapter tries to stay in touch with it’s members. Remember that for communication to work, it has to be two-way. Please feel free to call or e-mail any officer, talk to the member ambassador at your facility. Send your e-mail address to Terry Glover and she will add you to her list. With all this technology we can improve our communication.

So, "can we talk!"

Nanette Hanauer
President, Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016 Welcome Business Meeting Minutes Chapter Officers Chapter History Fundraisers Chapter 1016 Bylaws FCORN

Terry Lee Glover RN MN CNOR

Copyright © 1998, Chapter 1016