President’s Message
August 2000

Writing my first president’s message turned out to be a very difficult task Trying to decide on a topic alone has taken me several hours of careful thought. Then it took me another couple of hours to write down my ideas and try to put into words what I was thinking. After all my work I thought I had a pretty good first presidents’ message. That is, until I read the surveys that were sent out in June to the membership. After reviewing them I threw out the president’s message I had just written. I felt that I must respond to the comments that were included. Some of the comments were:

Bring a peer to the meeting night.

Chapter is run by a few old timers who dominate everything! Would like shorter business meetings.

Directions to meetings are not clear. Designate a "greeter", or group of people to meet people as they arrive.

No time for meetings. Have local information on Web Site!

"Collecting money mandatory on membership dues and having a fantasy vacation at congress for the officers are not right. That is the reason some discontinue the membership".

Have a member ambassador at every facility. Warmer welcomes to occasional new attendees and encourage them to invite a friend.

Location and topic of meetings should be listed well in advance of presentation in newsletter.

Seems like the same members go to congress each year.

I as president have taken to heart all your comments. I also understand the frustration of some of our members, who because of distance, and work schedules are unable to attend meetings. We all have families and the last thing we want to do is to go to a meeting after work. Remember, our chapter covers several counties!. All the way from Lake City, to Leesburg to Crystal River, and all points in between. It is very difficult to find a place that is central to all. Alternating between Ocala and Gainesville is the best way that the founding members could think of to centrally locate the meetings. Thursdays at 7 p.m. is the day and time the majority of members can attend. Maybe that can change in the future.

Congress attendance is everyone’s right. As a periOperative Registered Nurse and a member of AORN everybody is eligible to go. However, our chapter has limited funds and must use a system that is fair for all. The point system was established to make the selection fair and equitable. Congress attendance as a Delegate, (with the associated limited reimbursement), is a reward for all the hard work which these RN’s put into AORN and their chapter. The majority of the time at congress is spent meeting candidates, attending meetings, trying to represent you, our members. And yes, they are the same RN’s just about every year. And, sometimes they include a little vacation with congress, (AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE).

Modern technology is a wonderful tool, our chapter and AORN have a Web Site. CEU course will be on the Internet soon. AORN sold Educational Designs, Inc. to HealthStream, the leading provider of e-learning solutions for health care professionals.

AORN dues are out of our control, but are the "cheapest" for a professional organization in the United States, and our chapter dues are only $15.00 a year.

The only way to have a member ambassador at every facility is for someone at those facilities to volunteer. If your facility does not have a member ambassador, e-mail me at:
or call me at home (352-288-9578) or work (352-351-7350) and let me know.

Our chapter is only as good as its members. I hope I was able to answers your questions and concerns. Please feel free to call me with any question or comments you may have. And remember this, up until 3 years ago I did not attend very many meetings or get involved. Now I am chapter president!

Nanette Hanauer, RN, CNOR
President, AORN Chapter 1016, North Central Florida

Chapter 1016 Welcome Business Meeting Minutes Chapter Officers Chapter History Fundraisers Chapter 1016 Bylaws FCORN

Terry Lee Glover RN MN CNOR

Copyright © 1998, Chapter 1016