AORN of Gainesville

Chapter 1016

Minutes of the February 16, 2006 Meeting


Program:  The program presented was on “Understanding the difference: A clinical perspective of surgical hemostats and sealants.” Nathan Parsons, R.N., B.S.N. from Baxter was the presenter. ORMC hosted the meeting and Baxter provided dinner from the Olive Garden.


Business Meeting:  Meeting was called to order at 2005 by President Kathy Brown. The president thanked the VA hosting the meeting, and Sandra for a very informative and interesting presentation.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:  Minutes from the prior meeting were approved with one correction. The speaker was Justine Busch. The secretary wishes to apologize to Justine for printing the incorrect name with the wonderful presentation on “Pulmonary Embolism”.


Treasurers’ Report: Report submitted. The January balance (as of Jan. 31) was $6266.49.


Old Business: A report on the committee meeting for the FCORN meeting (to be held in July) was given. The place will be the Hilton Hotel in Ocala, Florida. The slate of speakers is still being explored. Currently, Drs. Locker, Taub, and Nijher have agreed to speak. The theme will be technology and the Operating Room nurse. Jim Shelley, who is also the committee chair, is in charge of the speakers. Vendor participation was also discussed. Sally Moore will be heading that part of the meeting. She has already spoken to several vendors, but needs the outline to follow that FCORN has for vendors. As soon as we meet with FCORN, establish a contract with the hotel and receive the planning guide for the meeting we will report once again to the chapter.


Participation on the AORN book drive was discussed. It was decided that $150.00 (plus shipping) worth of books would be donated by the Chapter. Preschool through third graders in the D.C. area will be the recipients. The books need to be unused, so they will be purchased new.


FCORN dues will be mailed this month.


Board of Directors: no report


Standing Committee reports: no report


The next meeting will be held in Gainesville at Ayers Medical Plaza on March 9th at 1900. The meeting is one week early due to AORN Congress. Sandy Burnett, RN will speak on” Oculoplastics Update.”


Meeting adjourned.


Submitted by

Sarah Logue, Secretary

Chapter 1016 WelcomeBusiness Meeting MinutesChapter OfficersChapter HistoryFundraisersChapter 1016 BylawsFCORN

Terry Lee Glover RN MN CNOR

Copyright © 1998, Chapter 1016