AORN Chapter 1016 Board Meeting

April 19th, 2001

Members Present: N. Hanauer, J. Shelley, E. Nogueiras, S. Moore, G. Nelson, P. Stewart, T. Macheski.

Meeting was called to order at 1800 by N. Hanauer.

  1. Discussion of amount to give to each delegate and alternate (excluding the chapter president), in addition to the money that was already paid for registration. A motion was made and seconded that the amount be set at $400 each. After the money has been paid out this should leave a good balance in the chapter checking account to pay for upcoming expenses (Leadership conference, golf tournament, etc).
  2. Because of the resignation of S. Reitman-Swiss, there was a nomination of Eileen Nogueiras for Treasurer and Tom Macheski to fill her vacancy on the Board of Directors. (Vacancies are filled by the Board of Directors - Article VII, Section 6 of our By-Laws).
  3. Meeting was adjourned at 1900.

AORN Chapter 1016 Educational Meeting

April 19th, 2001

Scott Rol with VALLEYLAB presented "Recommended Practices for Electrosurgery".


Meeting was called to order at 2010 by President Nan Hanauer.

  1. Faye Spencer and Ocala Regional Medical Center was thanked for hosting the meeting.
  2. A. Downs and J. Luciano were introduced as first time attendees.
  3. March minutes were read by S. Moore and approved.
  4. Financial Report: N. Hanauer reported that S. Reitman-Swiss has resigned due to a change in employment and a move.
  5. Standing Committee Reports:
    1. Membership/Educational- T. Macheski reported the May meeting would be at Florida Surgery Center. FCORN meeting will be in Tampa.
    2. Legislative - No report. S. Reitman-Swiss was head of this committee and has resigned
    3. Research - No report. L. Pittman has resigned due to a change in employment and move
    4. Ways/Means/Finance - No report. S. Reitman-Swiss has resigned.
    5. Newsletter - N. Hanauer reported that she is continuing to work on the postcards to be mailed to members about using the web page instead of mailing. This would save money for the chapter.
    6. Executive - Deferred
    7. Bylaws/Policy - J. Shelley deferred to board minutes.
    8. Publicity - P. Stewart - No report
    9. Scholarship - N. Hanauer reported that money placed in scholarship will be used to fund a first time attendee to congress J) Awards - Members are requested to give information about research projects, community projects to E. Hoffman to help chapter obtain awards from national.
    10. Special Committee Reports
      1. Move was made and seconded to have T. Macheski's name removed from ballot.
      2. Historian - no chairperson/no report
      3. Website - T. Glover reported that President's. Message, Minutes from March and the ballot had been placed on website. Members are requested to notify T. Glover of name changes, etc.
      4. Board of Directors - Minutes were read by S. Moore from meeting on 4/19/01. (See Board of Director Minutes.)
      5. Unfinished Business- N. Hanauer reported that she is still trying to make contact with Hill-Rom and Educational Design about our seminar.
      6. New Business
      1. T. Macheski will head the golf tournament to be held in Gainesville this summer. Tournament will be held at the Haile Plantation. Tom will give date at May meeting.
      2. Installation Dinner - Dinner will be held June 14, 2001 at Bella Luna in Ocala. Cost is $31.75/person. There was a recommendation and second that everyone prepays.
      3. Notes from National - N. Hanauer stated that the Leadership Conference would be held in Washington, DC. J. Shelley will be attending. Awards packet will be given to Awards Committee.
        1. Clinical Issues - There was discussion for interest in a class for non-OR personnel for training.
        2. T. Macheski requested those with accumulated points to go toward being a delegate, have them ready by May meeting.
        3. Meeting was adjourned by 2110

        Submitted by Sally Moore
        Secretary, Chapter 1016

        Chapter 1016 WelcomeBusiness Meeting MinutesChapter OfficersChapter HistoryFundraisersChapter 1016 BylawsFCORN

        Terry Lee Glover RN MN CNOR

        Copyright © 1998, Chapter 1016