Chapter 1016 Board Meeting Minutes 7-10-99

FCORN Fall Meeting


Dr. Norm Anderson: herbs and health

Dr. Judy Wilson: domestic violence or another related topic (I thought you said that you didn't want domestic violence as a topic)

Linda Burton: not confirmed

Terry said that there was going to be someone talking about laparoscopic surgery? The only two speakers that I lined up was Dr. Anderson and Dr. Wilson.

Do you have a draft of the program for the three days stating what we are going to do when and at what time the speakers will present? Are you going to set up times with the speakers? Do you need addresses and telephone numbers of the two I lined up? I can't remember if I gave them to you. Dr. Anderson: 732-0277, and Dr. Wilson: 732-3771. Neither one will have an honorarium fee.

Friday-FCORN board meeting and industry meeting-Stephanie will check on this.


Sunday-meeting will last from 8-11?

Stephanie will check with the Hilton about the dinner, horse show, and dancing. She will have information by Tuesday. Pat will send Stephanie the name of the person to get in contact with about line dancing: The Midnight Rodeo-Marilyn McNeal 1-352-351-5828 dance instructor.

Ask Tom to check on corporate prices for the hotel rooms for the seminar. According to someone at the Hilton we can get corporate rates. Tom will you please check with the Hilton to see if they will give us a hospitality suite?

Sally Moore will be in charge of getting information on the chapter or industry providing breakfast on Sunday morning for the seminar attendees.

CEU- we usually provide 7-9 CEU, this includes going to the exhibits. Each 50 minutes =1 CEU.

Stephanie requested that the board members submit names of the reps that do business at their hospitals. These names will be given to FCORN, who will then contact the reps to see if they would be willing to sponsor a table for exhibit. Names can be given to Stephanie or brought to the FCORN meeting next weekend.

Installation Dinner-Pat gave Stephanie a check from Brenda Frazier for her meal. Stephanie stated that she also paid the chapter for her dinner.

Gainesville golf tournament-about $4,000.00 profit as reported by Stephanie.

T-shirts-Stephanie will order another 250 T-shirts, these will be available no later than October for the fall FCORN meting. The sizes and how many to order of each size was discussed and Stephanie recorded that information. It was brought up by Stephanie that the chapter logo should be on one sleeve of the T-shirt. The board agreed and it was decided the Stephanie would get the logo added to the T-shirt at about half the size of the chapter's logo patch.

New Business:

Newsletter-Nan reported that the program to publish the newsletter "crashed" her computer at work when checked by the hospital for Y2K. The board agreed to purchase a new program in order to have the chapter newsletter published. Nan will investigate the programs and their costs and report to the board.

Web Page - the board agreed that the minutes of the monthly chapter meeting and minutes of any board meeting will be posted on the web page. These minutes will be not be deleted from month to month.

President's Portable File (yellow in color)- Pat stated that she had not received a President's File form Stephanie. Stephanie stated the she did not receive a file from Rochelle. Pat will get in touch with Rochelle to see if she still has the file.

Sister Chapter-Eunice said that nothing was ever done about our sister chapter. The board decided to disband the committee.

Meeting-it was agreed that the monthly meetings would alternate between Gainesville and Ocala. The meeting locations were assigned and this information was recorded by Terry. Board meetings will also alternate between Gainesville and Ocala.

Giving Tree at National-Pat brought up the fact that the chapter had contributed to the foundation at AORN but that our chapter's name was not on the giving tree. Tom, do you know if giving to the Foundation is the same as giving to the Giving Tree? Do you remember when our chapter gave at Congress? Is there a certain amount that you have to give before your name is added to the tree? And then again maybe it was there and I missed seeing it.

President's Award 2000-present to members at meeting in September.

Audit Chapter Books-it was agreed that the chapter's fiances should be audited when a new president is elected. Since the chapter does not have a book to audit, Pat will purchase a ledger for the treasurer so this information can be recorded.

Change account signature forms-this has not been done yet. Tom who needs to do this? I am willing to come to Gainesville if I need to. I assume that my signature is the one that needs to be added.

By-laws need to be reviewed every year. It was agreed that the board members would review the by-laws and submit any changes at the next board meeting. Pat handed out the by-laws to everyone present. Since one page of the by-laws was missing pat will copy that page and mail it to the board members.

Reimbursement funding for activities other than AORN Congress-this item was presented by Pat for clarification. No one at the meeting was sure when or how this originated. Pat will send a copy of the statement to Sally who will research minutes from past meetings. Tom do know the history on this? It does state that it is a policy and should be reviewed annually by the membership. Maybe just the board should review it.

National and Chapter 1016-Pat presented the information she obtained when talking to the membership department at National. The board agreed that Pat should contact National and notify them that Gainesville, not Lake City, should be the central city for 1016, and that Chapter 1016 is named North Central Florida and not Gainesville.

Next board Meeting-August 28, 1999 at 1100 am. Stephanie will locate a meeting place.

Present: Pat Stewart, Nan Hamley-Hanauer, Terry Glover, Jim Shelly, Eunice Hoffman, James North, Stephanie Reitman- Swiss, and Sally Moore.

Submitted by Pat Stewart, Chapter 1016 President

Chapter 1016 Welcome Business Meeting Minutes Chapter Officers Fundraisers Chapter 1016 Bylaws FCORN

Terry Glover RN MN CNOR

Copyright © 1998, Chapter 1016