Are The Easter Bunny And The Dust Bunny Related?

It's getting on into summer already. Seems like it was just Christmas and here it is Easter, I never believed what grown ups would say when I was a kid, how the years went by faster and faster as you got older, I was wrong. The years just whip by now.

I remember that as kids, if it was summer we wanted it to be winter, if it was winter we wanted it to be summer. There was no great rhyme or reason to it, we just always wanted what we didn't have. It wasn't like we didn't enjoy whichever part of the year it was, it's just that the grass was always greener...

Of course we always wanted it to be Christmas or our birthday, Easter was up there too with the chocolate bunnies and the hidden hard boiled eggs (the prettiest of which was left in the refrigerator for months never to be eaten). We did make sure the candy all got eaten before it"spoiled" though.

This time of year ,Spring, is a little like the New Year in that everything is a Promise of things to come. All the trees and plants are waking up and greening out, it's hard to believe that a lot of places up north still have snow on the ground. We've been planting flower gardens lately and I hope that they are more than just a promise of things to come.

We found a momma cat and kittens yesterday and so I guess it is spring. She was curled up around them and growling but Lori talked nice to her and she rolled over to show us her babies. There looked like there were at least two black ones and a tiger or two. As much as we don't need anymore cats around here, it is kind of hard to remember that, when you see those brand new faces with unopened eyes curled up with their Momma.

The weather sure has been nice. Its been sunny but the temperatures haven't been too sweltering. Summers on it's way though and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

We bought a new tiller this year, with all the flowers Lori and her Mom bought, it was the least they could do. I'm not sure we would have had quite as many flower gardens if they hadn't. (Between you and me I'm not sure we would have had any new flower gardens.) But the tiller really does make things easier, it is self propelled and all but I've been trying to figure out a way to make it have an autopilot too. I mean if they can give jets an autopilot, it seems like they could do something with a simple tiller.

I've yet to crank up the mower this season. It needs a part or two before it's ready for the summer. I had bought one of the parts but when I went to put it on I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere for it. I had to go buy another one because it won't run with out it. (Maybe that's why I lost the first one.)

Maybe I should explain, its not that I don't want to mow the yard, it's just that before I mow the yard, I have to pick up the stuff that's all over the yard. We have a new dog and he has decided that anything within his reach is fair game, good thing we don't have neighbors, huh? He is a normal puppy and is quite fond of making little things out of big things. I think he thinks he's helping us. Maybe, if I leave all the pieces in the yard he'll continue to make them smaller until they can no longer be seen with the naked eye, (oops! sorry) without a magnifier. (I'm writing this on Easter morning, so I'm trying to watch my language). Well, it is worth a try, there are an awful lot of pieces out there.

His name is "Chief", we named him after a friend of ours. It works except that our friend doesn't make messes, he helps clean them up. Now, if I could just get him to teach the dog to do that.


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