Zoo News
Zoo Keeper of the Month:  Dan Evans

Dan's love and interest for animals, birds and reptiles has led to the foundation of The Internet Zoo.

Dan works for a Florida based non-profit sea turtle environmental group, Caribbean Conservation Corporation. and is an Instructor for Santa Fe Community College teaching
 Introduction to the Internet course at the Starke Campus of Santa Fe Community College in Florida.

Dan has a degree in biology,  physiology, reproduction, behavior, and nutrition of a huge variety of animals.   Dan also has a great deal of  experience working with all types of exotic animals, and has put this knowledge into practice with his research of endangered wildlife conservation.

Dan and his wonderful wife Gayle,  share their  interest  and love for animals and  work together to  help educate their students on the Internet and endangered animals, birds, fish and reptiles .
They found each other in the Australian Rain forest and have been married for over 4 years, no children but lots of exotic pets.


Please join us for this blessed event!!!!    Help us give a big Internet Zoo welcome to our latest arrival.  Featured to your left is mother Sabrina with her newborn son Gordy loving clutched in her arms.  Gordy is the first baby gorilla born in Internet Zoo.  Thank you for sharing this joyous event with us.


Kids Korner Feature Of The Week:  BIRDS
Kids, if you're ready for exciting news about birds visit http://www.kaytee.com/discovery/.  This site offers cool facts about birds, one of which is the Thick-Billed Parrot which lives in our zoo.  You can learn about a birds habitat, body structure, and its feeding habits.  Be sure to check out the Kaytee Cafe.  Kaytee Cafe is a restaurant that offers only foods liked by birds.  It also has a few recipes that you can make at home.  These tasty treats are sure to attract some feathered friends to your house.  Just follow the directions and remember:  Please get your parents permission before beginning.
We at the zoo news hope you will enjoy this site as much as we have.

~Jennie Jones (regular visitor), "I wish I could walk into a place like this."
~Ricky Lake (2nd Grade teacher), "I had my students log in and they were amazed at the animals  featured."
~Geraldo Riviero (6th grade Science teacher from Spain), "My students were so interested in the number of animals in danger.  In fact they are currently trying to start an Endangered Animals Awareness club at our school."
~Gerry Springer (student, University of Tennessee), "Cool."
~Montella Williams (senior, Honolulu High School), "After finding your zoo for a research paper, I became obsessed with animals that I now volunteer at a nearby animal shelter."

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Created on December 1,1998

                                          Give us your input... You can e-mail us at jennifer.g.miller@santafe.cc.fl.us