I'm writing this entry much later than the day of the lesson, but it should be accurate still. I did not solo, so that is disappointing, but I realize that all of this is for the best anyway. I do have an inordinately low amount of flight hours to be soloing, and the art of flying well (and not dying) is experience. The major hang up I had is that prolonging my soloing, I'm spending more money and whatnot, but I still need 40 hours until I'm eligible for the actual license, and I'm only at around 10.

My realization is that I've still got a way to go and putting in an extra hour now is not going to significantly affect the 30 more that I still need to complete. So, I've another lesson next week, and I'm not going to suppose or even suggest that I may solo. It is a 2 o'clock lesson, so I may get rained out anyway.

I'm very interested in getting myself a nice headset, but the one suggested to me will cost about 300 dollars. All that money is for a product that will last, though. I'm positive that the money is worth it, and that the headset will do me well; and I'm dying not to have to borrow one everytime; but I don't think that I've $300 to blow right now. That is rent for a month.

If you remember me talking during the first couple of lessons about the reason I am doing this now and some of the advice I was given... You will be surprised that I'm running out of money sooner than I expected. Pretty soon, though, school is starting and I'll have to cut back to once every week or two simply because of time conflicts. That not only will put back the date of completion, but will also push up the total number of hours I will need in the end.

Anyway, during the lesson today, we stayed in the pattern, and did several landings. The whole lesson was in a bad crosswind. All of my landings were on runway 24 and the wind was out of 120. With that left crosswind incessantly on me, it was a bumpy ride the whole way. In the end, I came away with a few really good ones, and a few pretty bad ones. I'm still living, so things are good.