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The Bighorse Rescue Fund information page

Members of the Breeder's Digest, a Yahoo Group dedicated to Thoroughbred horses, started a fund for the rescue of Thoroughbred horses in danger of going to slaughter. Within weeks of the fund's foundation, three mares which were on their way to a Canadian slaughterhouse were bought, transported to the farm of a group member, and finally adopted by loving families who are pledged to give them a "forever home."

Mare 1 picture
Here's what you can do to help.
When you purchase merchandise or services by linking to the sites listed below, a portion of your purchase price will be paid to the Bighorse Rescue Fund.
If you prefer to just make a donation, you can send a contribution by PayPal to or mail a check to Jim Percival 501 Southern Hills Dr. Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
The Bighorse Rescue Fund is not a 501c non-profit charity at this time.

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Webmaster: Wayne Gallant
Updated December 24, 2006