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Breeder's Digest

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Breeder's Digest?
  2. How much does it cost?
  3. How can I subscribe?
  4. How many messages can I expect to receive in a day?
  5. Is there an archive of Breeder's Digest messages?
  6. Is Breeder's Digest a moderated list?
  7. What other services does membership confer?
  8. Can I receive posts in my regular email inbox?
  9. How can I get answers to my other questions?


  1. What is Breeder's Digest?

    Breeder's Digest is an email discussion list. It exists to provide a forum for discussion of matters of interest to breeders of Thoroughbred horses.
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  2. How much does it cost?

    Like most discussion lists, Breeder's Digest is free.
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  3. How can I subscribe?

    You can subscribe on the Web by navigating to the Breeder's Digest subscription page at
    or by clicking on the following link -
    Click to subscribe to Breeder's Digest (bighorse2)

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  4. How many messages can I expect to receive in a day?

    This is a very active group. You should expect to receive thirty messages or more each day. Changing your subscription to digest format may be an option if you do not want to deal with the heavy traffic.
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  5. Is there an archive of Breeder's Digest messages?

    Yes. Members who sign into the Yahoo Groups site will find all messages posted there.
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  6. Is Breeder's Digest a moderated list?

    No. Members are free to post whatever they like, within the bounds of normal courtesy. In over ten years, only two members have been banned. Members may post commercial messages, but are requested to keep them short and infrequent. Posts should also keep to the topic, i.e. "matters of interest to breeders of thoroughbred horses".
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  7. What other services does membership confer?

    Breeder's Digest, as a Yahoo Groups list, has Chat, Files, Photos, Database and Polls available to members who sign into the Yahoo Groups site.
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  8. Can I receive posts in my regular email inbox?

    Yes. Members can choose to get each message as it is posted, in a daily digest, or they may view messages on the Web (by signing into the Yahoo Groups site).
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  9. How can I get answers to my other questions?

    If you have questions which are not answered in this FAQ, you may write to the listowner (Wayne Gallant), by sending email to
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Page last maintained on 12/25/2006, by Wayne Gallant (