Gainesville Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends

Sixth Month, 2000

QUERIES for the sixth month: Oversight


June 4, 12:30 pm, FCUN is sponsoring a forum with a guest speaker on the topic of Water, its importance in life, its susceptibility to pollution, its need for careful management, policies, and actions.

July 28 29, & 30. AVP (Alternatives to Violence) Training is being held at the Jacksonville Unitarian Fellowship. The Schedule is as follows:

Snacks will be provided for all breaks. We ask for a fifty dollar donation to cover the costs of the workshop. If there is anyone who needs a scholarship please let me know as scholarships are available. We also ask that people commit to the entire workshop, and we are going to try and limit it to twenty people. So far we only have ten signed up, so there is a ways to go before we are full.

Contact Barry Heath (904-636-7404, for more details. Happy Taylor has registration forms.

To live content with small means,
To seek elegance rather than luxury,
And refinement rather than fashion,
To be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich,
To study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly,
To listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart,
To bear all cheerfully,
Do all bravely,
Await occasions,
Hurry never -
In a word to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious,
Grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony.

William Ellery Channing

To be of the earth is to know
  The restlessness of being a seed
The darkness of being planted
The struggle toward the light
The pain of growth into the light
The joy of bursting and bearing fruit
The love of being food for someone
The scattering of your seeds
The decay of seasons
The mystery of death
And the miracle of birth

John Soos

Joint Meeting for worship: Jacksonville and Gainesville

Sunday, May 7th, the Quakers at Gainesville Meeting went to the Coalition for Peace and Justice Land for a Meeting for Worship with Jacksonville Friends. The newly constructed building brought together Jacksonville and Gainesville Meetings through silent worship and friendly conversation with great success. Everyone had a good experience and we hope that the two meetings will come together again soon.

Ranjit Sellars

Understanding Worship

A woman quoted in Quaker Faith and Practice has written, "To me, worship is recognizing and communing with the divine, whether it is within myself, in others, or in the world." There are many definitions of worship, but shared personal experiences help me understand it. Consider the experience of George Gorman, in his first meeting for worship: " was in this unlikely setting that I am to know what I can only describe as the amazing fact of Quaker worship. It was in that uncomfortable room that I discovered the way to the interior side of my life, at the deep centre of which I knew that I was not alone, but was held by a love that passes all understanding. This love was mediated to me, in the first place, by those with whom I worshipped. For my journey was not solitary, but one undertaken with my friends as we moved towards each other and together traveled inward."

The Ripening of Quaker Worship, David Bills

Un-Xmas Families

Thanks to all who donated time, money, children's clothing and household goods to three families in need. All the mothers were very grateful for the assistance. "Welfare reform" has meant greater hardship for many young poor mothers who struggle to raise their children without much assistance or support.

New Book... The Nine Lives of Arnold by Arnold Von der Porten - coming soon!!

From Palm Beach Friends...

Dear Friends,

Approximately 95 people gathered at Palm Beach Meeting on Sunday afternoon, May 21, to remember our dear Friend, Liz Jensen. The memorial began around 1:45 P.M. with Paul Ruhlen playing the piano. The meeting room was pretty with flowers gathered from yards and alleyways in Lake Worth neighborhoods, and filled quickly so that by 2:00 it was hard to find an empty chair. Stories were shared, as were readings and prayers. Feelings swung from mournful sadness to ironic laughter. Liz would have enjoyed the humor. At about 3:30, after speaking about its significance, Paul returned to the piano to lead us in singing one of Liz's favorite hymns, Finlandia. After a brief silence we shared handshakes and began to greet others in the room. A reception followed downstairs. Some went to Liz's house for yet another gathering later in the afternoon.

It was a lovely service. I can't imagine anyone being remembered with more love and thoughtful admiration. Many of Liz's colleagues and personal friends and family members, as well as Friends from Palm Beach and other Meetings shared much together. Emotions and love poured out like chocolate - rich and satisfying. But I've rarely experienced such a deep sadness.

Gary Arthur
Palm Beach Meeting

Annie McPherson, editor
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