Support Mike Byerly
Joe Courter
October 2008

In early October Michael Ryals, the "Senior Vice President of the Commercial and Land Division of Bosshardt Realty Services, Inc" sent out a "Dear Friends" letter. It read as follows:

"I have been asked by a group of local businesses to assist in raising money for a TV/Radio campaign to help with two things...

1) To reveal the (non-business) voting record of several of our current (anti-business) county commissioners, and

2) To help support new candidates (especially Kevin Riordan) running against these current commissioners.

We have committed to raise $125,000 by mid week next week! These ads will run between now and the November election (and that's just a month away). We can't do it alone and need your help. Any amount you are willing to contiribute will be greatly appreciated. Your check should be made payable to Alachua County Citizens for Change..."

These "Citizens for Change', shamelessly ripping off the Obama "change" theme, want to try and change things back to a time of reckless growth, and less regulation. What people need to remember is that Mike Byerly, the Commissioner they really want to unseat (Riordan's opponent) is the county's #1 proponent of smart growth and environmental protection. This is going to be a well financed hit-job on Mike if they raise their $125K hiding behind this bullshit "Citizen for Change" name.

If you can throw some campaign support behind Mike, we would love to see these negative shadow campaigns get totally rejected at the polls come Nov. 4th. We say: VOTE FOR, AND SUPPORT, MIKE BYERLY!!

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