Upcoming Ichetucknee River Defense events
February 2001

Here are the latest events listed for the ongoing fight against Anderson-Columbia's cement kiln, slated to be built near the Ichetucknee in Columbia county. For more information, contact www.ichetucknee.org

Visit Anderson/Columbia headquarters in Old Town. Yes we need lots of people. Present them with our bill to them for all the hours of activism that we've done in our efforts to stop their cement kiln. In this bill we will do comparisons between what Ichetucknee Earth First! has been charged for locking down in front of the gate for 17 hours and Anderson/Columbia's miniscule fines for the many environmental violations that they have gotton away with. We will be going early and actively protesting before lunch break, when more employees are stirring about.Come and join the fun. We'd be back around 2 or so. Old Town is an hour or less away from Gainesville.

Visit local Gainesville D.E.P. office, this is located off of Tower Rd. We want to demonstrate our lack of faith for the D.E.P. and that we demand proper attention be brought to this issue. WE aren't going away and WE WILL NEVER EVER BE SILENCED!!!! This is here in town and easy to attend. This will be starting 10 am and go till employee lunch break return 2 pm. Come for ever short or long you can express your disappointment with D.E.P.

Yard Sale fundraiser; Vegan BBQ and food. This will be at Health Yes parking lot at 501 NW 23rd Ave.;we will accept donations at 234 SW 3rd St. You can bring them back to the barn or leave on front porch. The yard sale starts at 8 am. Please attend and help set up it takes awhile and it's good to have folks there and to hand out info and talk with the people and educate what's happening.

MARCH 17th and 18th: Florida Green Party will be having a state convention in Gainesville.

Ichetucknee cement kiln protesters

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