GANG GANG - General Information


What Does GANG Have to Offer?

GANG (Gainesville Amiga Networking Group) is a local Amiga Computer Users Group formed to help others with their computers. Our group members use Amiga Computers for: Video, Desktop Publishing, Art and Animation, Games and Science. The list of uses for the Amiga grows daily. GANG holds its monthly General Meeting (the 2nd Wednesday of each month) where a variety of discussions take place. Our Copy Session meeting (the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of each month) is a chance to grab some PD and ShareWare programs from a large number of Amiga CDROMs. Guest are always welcome at our monthly meetings. The General Meeting has demonstrations from other club members on a wide variety of subjects - backing-up and installing hard drives, using Multimedia presentation packages, how to use 2D and 3D animation software, the use of high speed accelerators, games, word processing and desktop publishing, databases (MultiFinder), and utilizing numerious general utilities to enhance the Amiga. Our users keep the Amiga dream alive. Current GANG dues are $15.00/year. We provide the following services: - GANG members receive a monthly newsletter devoted to computing and news on the Amiga Community. - Network in our name stands for the number of users that are ready and waiting to help in any way. - Monthly meetings geared toward new and advanced computer users. Helping members learn more about their computer. For more information, come to one of our club meetings or call me Brian Sorli (Amiga Coordinator) at 472-6013. ** MultiFinder - Copyright Data Management and Research, Inc.


Here is a printable version of GANG General Information.


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Updated May 20, 1996, Contact GANG at with any questions or suggestions.