The Story

Once upon a time, there were two cops. They were good cops. They struck terror into the hearts of mortal men, mostly criminals. They patrolled the mean streets of Pensacola. Their courage: unmatched. Their names: Andy and Eric. Their appetites: hungry for the curiously strong mints - Altoids.

All was going well in Pensacola, until it started to happen. It swept through the city like wildfire, hooking children and adults alike with its sweet, candy-like flavor. It was pixie dust. The drug that would be the downfall of humanity as we know it, and the beginning of a new empire for the evil drug lord known only as DK (aka Donny Kay). Donny Kay was pure evil. He was often referred to by his own henchmen as "Satan" or simply, "DK".

Although Pensacola was obviously already an enormously profitable melting pot of naïve, drug-pushing maniacs, DK was intent on expanding his operation. He had to choose a prime location which would allow him flexibility with his drug operations. His only choice was clear. Tallahassee, Florida. A three hour drive.

Andy and Eric knew what they had to do. DK had to be stopped. Killed if necessary. Imprisoned if possible. Detained for a short period of time at minimum.

Andy and Eric did not have to step up to this gargantuan task alone. They enlisted the help of another cop to help them corral Satan (aka: DK or Donny Kay). This young police officer’s name was Marcus. Although he was born in Indiana, laughed like a girl, was a rookie and had no experience or training in the field, Andy and Eric were confident that he could be of help.

Things were going well for the trio, they had killed many bad drug guys and had managed to locate DK’s hideout, where the biggest drug deal in the history of mankind was going down. Andy, Eric and Marcus knew what had to be done. DK had to be stopped. Detained at minimum.

The trio had infiltrated the hideout and killed more bad guys. Suddenly, DK pulled his trump card: Eric’s wife, Heather. Satan now had the upper hand. Eric and Andy had lost their weapons, and to no surprise, the rookie had been shot...

What happened? Cardinal rule not to give away the ending of movies. Sorry! You can always ask for a free copy though...

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