This web site is for entertainment purposes only. It is not meant to offend, plagiarize or infringe on any copyright laws. If we are at fault in any of these, please contact us and we will rectify the situation as best we can. The opinions contained herein are the opinions of the staff and posters. This web site is subject to change at any time and those changes will be at the discretion of the team.
© SimsAddiction 2001-2004




Jessica - Owner
Nelson - Co-Owner
Lauren - Head Designer
Ashaunda - Creator
Ruth - Creator
Sile - Skinner
Daniela- Guest
Dianne - Floors & Walls
Krysti - House Creator
Heather - Skinner

Holly - Secretary
Sarah - Host
Becki & John
- Houses
Safa - Houses
Colleen - Skinner
Christi - Floors & Walls


Skinny Female Casual Page 1 2
Zips include all skin tones unless otherwise noted.
Peekaboo By Ashaunda
Silver Pants By Ashaunda
Purple Phat By Ashaunda
Pink Satin By Ashaunda
Pose from SimSkins
Flash By Ashaunda
Pose By Sheree
Pink Thing By Ashaunda
Pose By Sheree
Tropical By Ashaunda
Pose By Sheree
BDU Shirt By Ashaunda
Pose By Sheree