Bridget McCann

Date: December 4, 1991 through June 21, 1992


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It's not fancy, but here goes!

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                           /  \  O  /  \            And on this day
                     *******    \_/   *******         a savior was
                    *******            *******            born!
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Let us not forget the real meaning behind this special day!
 Have a very Merry Christmas!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
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May Cupid's Arrow hit the mark on this Valentine's Day and may your
 day be full of happiness with the one you hold dear.

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 May the luck of the Irish smile upon you on this St. Patrick's Day!

                     ## #### ##
                     ### ## ###
                     ####  ####     Very
                     ####  ####
                     ####  ####
                     ####  ####     Important
                     ###     ##
                     ###  #  ##
                     ###     ##      Dad

A very Happy Father's Day to all you Father's out there as well as you soon to
be Father's!

To Laura Michaels

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